Carlo Lorge Reviews Motorcycle Movies, #3, “Sgt WillGardner”
Reviews of movies I watch while making your orders. No spoilers.
The action drama movie “Sgt Will Gardner,” made in 2019, is the story of a disabled veteran having trouble being a civilian again. He gets a motorcycle and rides across America. His adventures on the ride are both funny and just sad.
Gary Sinise of “Forrest Gump,” who does a lot of philanthropy with veterans was involved with making this movie and has a small role.
Robert Patrick of “Terminator 2,” an avid biker who owns a Harley Davidson dealership in California, was a surprise to see in this movie.
Max Martini plays Sgt William Gardner. Martini, like Gary Sinise, does a lot to help veterans.
This story is heart touching, showing the plight that some veterans experience after war and getting out of the service. Veterans having disabilities and PTSD make it hard for them to completely integrate into society and hold down a job.
This movie was low budget and the writing needed some help. This movie did not and will not get any awards, but the theme of bringing awareness to veterans’ problems and the funny things that happen along the way, make it enjoyable and worth the watch.
Currently you can find it streaming on Peacock, Amazon prime and other streaming services for free. I do recommend watching it, but I have to admit it’s not that great of a movie.